You can get more ways to earn money through online art lessons.

Best earning ways for artists

Most of us have many different types of telent due to which our life becomes better.  There is no shortage of telented people in our society.  Telented people get a special identity in the society, people have to respect them.  The relented people can get everything from their telent whether it is respect or money.  They get respect.  But if those people apply a little mind, they can also earn a lot of money with the help of their telent.  Making painting is a very good telent.  Seeing a good painting, everyone wants to buy it.  Everyone is attracted towards the painting of artist people.  An artist has many different ways of earning money.  Through these methods artist people will be able to earn money and their popularity will also increase.  Some of the tremendous measures to earn such money are well informed.  If there is an artist then you can take advantage of those methods.

(1) Teach art on YouTube channel: A lot of people like to learn art by watching good paintings or watching an artist make a painting.  Videos that teach art on YouTube are very popular, many people watch such videos.  If you are also an artist or know how to do painting, then you too can create a YouTube channel and teach people art.  There are many such channels, where they are not told properly, they just keep on painting but you should not do it. It is important to tell you what you are making and how you are making it.  Only then people will like to watch your videos.  With increasing views and subscriber, you will also get respect with money.  Most people on YouTube watch videos that teach art such as water color painting, oil painting, realistic painting.

(2) Create a Facebook page: The painting you make should be posted on Facebook page, this will make you popular.  By making a page on Facebook, you can reach your activities to the people.  If you post a photo of good painting then followers will also increase.  Increasing followers will also earn your money from Facebook page.  You should use your Youtube channel to increase followers on Facebook page.  A link to the Facebook page has to be given on the description of YouTube videos.  Then the subscribers of the channel will be able to reach your Facebook page.

(3) Put video on IGTV: Apart from Youtube, you can earn money by posting videos.  People who paint here can earn money by posting a short video of painting.  People will definitely watch your videos after posting a good video.  To bring traffic to videos, you can give a link to IGTV on the description of Youtube videos.

(4) Sell your painting online and offline: If you are an artist, then you can earn a lot of money by selling paintings.  Many people buy paintings to decorate the house.  You can sell every painting at a price of 500 or more.  You can do the job of selling painting both offline and online.  To sell online, your customer should be more then only you will benefit.  To sell on online you have to create a blog.  This blog will be good only if you create WordPress.  There should be an option to buy paintings in this blog online so that customers can go to your blog and make online payment of paintings.  Give it to customers after purchasing painting.  To increase views on the blog, you have to post such photos that photo people can download.  You should give a link to your blog on YouTube channel and Facebook page, this will increase your customer.  As views increase, you will also earn from Google Adsense.

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