Earn money from your bike by becoming a rider of OLA | Best part time work

Earn money by becoming a OLA rider

OLA partner, OLA ride,

If you have a bike, you can make money from it too.  There are many people who have no job.  Due to no job, they are lying idle in their home but they definitely have a bike.  Such people can earn a lot from OLA.  OLA is a travel agency from which other drivers can make money from their cars or bikes.  If you do a good job with this, then your monthly earning can be from 30 to 40 thousand rupees.  If you do not have a car or bike, you can still earn money from here. If you do not have a car or bike, then the OLA official will give you a bike or car.  It is better if you have a bike.  The bike has some advantages.  Once you have installed the bike on OLA, then there is no need to do much, just leave the traveler in their place.  Travelers will contact you yourself, you just have to take them.  You can do this work also part time and also full time.  This work is very good for those who want to work part time.  But only in the city where OLA service is available, you can ride OLA bike.  A lot of drivers are connected in OLA which have no other income.  You can transfer your earned money to bank account or Paytm.  To earn money from OLA, you must have a good bike.  Therefore, one should take a bike whose milage is good and comfortable for the customer.  You can become a partner of OLA in two ways, one is online and the other offline.  If you want to join offline then you will have to join OLA office.  Offline process is better than online process.  In the offline process you can interact well with the OLA official.

You will need all these things:

(1) Bike: You will need a bike whose milage is good, speed is good and travelers feel comfortable.  The bike should be accompanied by papers such as the license of the bike, insurance. 

(2) Address proof: To join OLA, your PAN card, Adhare card should be address proof.  These papers will be needed when you go to their office to join OLA. 

(3) Smart phone: You must have an android or apple smartphone.


(1) Register in OLA: To create OLA rider, first you have to register on OLA.  You can register on OLA through one of the online or offline processes.  For offline registation you have to go to OLA office and you can do online registration from this website. 
Join: Visit here

(2) Comercial number plate will have to be placed: A comercial number plate has to be installed on your bike.  For this, OLA will have to pay you 7000 or 8000 rupees.  The officers of OLA will give you a number plate. 

(3) Start your ride: After that you wait for the customer and, after getting the customer, start the ride.

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