Be a Paytm service agent and keep earning money | Best part time work

Paytm service agent

Paytm service agent, Paytm part time work

Friends, you know that nowadays more of our work has to be done by digital process. This has made every task easier. Ever since internet has come, our life has become very easy. Everything gets done very quickly through internet.  Nowadays we can order everything from household goods to food and clothes online. Apart from this, money transactions are also done through online process. Paytm is a popular platform for transacting money. Where you transact money.  Nowadays, even in places like shop, shoping Mole, you can make money from Paytm. To buy from the shop or market, you must pay through Paytm in addition to giving cash.  You people who see the QR code of Paytm in the shop or market can earn money by giving the same QR code in the shops. There are many such shops also where there is no system of transaction from Paytm.  You can get Paytm QR Code, Paytm soundbox and Paytm EDC Card machine fetched in those shops, in return, you will commission from Paytm. There is one such program in Paytm where you can work.  Those who are involved in this program are called Paytm service agent. From here you can income from 20000 to 30000 rupees in a month. Anyone 18 years or older can work in it. But your Aadhar card is a must and minimum qualification HSLC must be passed.  After signup in this program of Paytm, here you will be taught about your work. There are many more ways to earn here, like if you recharge someone's electricity bill or mobile then you will get commission. Similarly, you can earn money by becoming a Paytm service agent.

Important things:

(1) Android smartphone: The most important thing to become a Paytm service agent is android smartphone. You will not be able to do this without a smart phone.  So you must have a smartphone. 

(2) Age: You must be 18 years or older. 

(3) Communication skill: Your communication skill should be good. So that you can impress people. This will make your work easier.


(1) Signup: Click on the link given below and join the Paytm service agent program.  Join here: Link

(2) Take work training: Once you join, you will get information about your work. If you do not know anything about work, then you can learn here. There are also training classes which take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 11 am. The same class is also held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 pm. In this class you will get all the information of work.

(3) Get to work: After training you will get to know about the work well. Then you go to a shop where there is no system to transact money from Paytm and give them Paytm EDC Card machine, Paytm soundbox and QR code. This is how you will earn. You will get the earning money in Paytm account or Bank account.

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