Earn money by selling art on redbubble | Best part time work | Online earn money

Earn from redbubble

Earn money online, Earn from Redbubble

Redbubble is a great platform to earn money. To earn money from here, your awareness on social media should be more and friends in social media should be more. Only then you will be able to succeed in it. There are two ways you can make money with Redbubble. It is well informed below.

Sell your arts: 

Redbubble is a platform where good designers or artists can earn a lot of money in every month. Any designer can earn money from this website, just you have to signup as a sell here and make a design and upload it on any products of this website. You can also do design work from mobile, there is no need of laptop or computer. But if you do not copy any other design, it would be good. Otherwise the company will not accept your design. If you have designed the paper on your own hand then it is also good.To earn money from here you have to create a design that the design people like. Only you will benefit.On this website you will get your design money. When people buy products with your design, then Redbubble will give you design money. This is a kind of e-commerce website. But they make designs from other people and in return they give money to the designer. If you are a designer then earn money from this website.

Affiliate program: 

Another way to earn money from Redbubble is its affiliate program. This is the easiest way. But for this your awareness on social media should be more and friends should also be more. If you have a Facebook page or YouTube channel, then there is a high chance of success in this work. On selling any of Redbubble's products, its affiliate program will give you 10% commission. For this, you have to join affiliate program and share the products on social media. Once the products are sold, the company will send you a commission of 10% of each product.

To get success on Redbubble , follow the tips given below:

(1) Attractive design: Write designs or slogan on products that people like.

(2) Good title and description: For design a logo or Slogan will be given a name. He should give an attractive name and description.

(3) Share on social media: Share the products you design on social media like Facebook, instagram, WhatsApp YouTube etc. as much as possible.

(4) Share Friends: Share your products to friends and tell them to share in as many people as possible.

(5) Create a Facebook page: Create a Facebook page and put products in it. Make video of Facebook page or other posts on viral topic and share Facebook posts as much as possible.

(6) Send Email: You can send your products to other people on advertise email. It is absolutely free.

(7) Choose share partner:
It is very important to share the products designed by you on social media in order to show as much coustomer as possible. Therefore, choose a good partner to share your fashion or other products on social media. Choose a partner who has more followers in social media. You can keep a Facebook page owner or Youtuber as a partner with more followers. Once the product is sold, you give him a few percent commission.

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