Earn money by becoming a dailyhunt creator | Online earn money | Part-time work

Dailyhunt part time work

Earn from dailyhunt, Dailyhunt creator, Online earn money

Dailyhunt is one such app where you can get other information besides news.  There is also a creator program through which a lot of creators are making money.  This is an Indian app.  Many news channels and other creators of India are connected to the creator program of dailyhunt app and are making money.  To earn money from dailyhunt, an account has to be created in its creator program.  To create an account, you must first signup with your Gmail id or Facebook account.  After 1hours of signing up, a mail will come to your gmail account and you have to confirm the account by clicking on it.  After that you will get all the different categories of news here.  By choosing one of the categories, you have to post an article of that category.  Apart from news, you can also write posts on other topics.  When people start seeing your post and followers will grow then you will be able to earn money.  When the official members of Dailyhunt will feel that your followers are increasing then those people will massage you.  After that you have to give your bank account details to them.  Then you will be able to earn.


(1) Sign in: To earn money by becoming a Dailyhunt Creator, click on "https://dhcreator.dailyhunt.in". After that you should sign-in with your Gmail account. The phone number will have to be verified after sign-in from GMail account. Wait for some time till the account is approved. A mail will be sent to the Gmail account when the account is approve. You can confirm the account by clicking on it.

(2) Post an article: After creating an account, after filling your profile well, you can post an article by choosing one topic.

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