Show your talent by becoming a Youtuber and earn up to millions. | Best Part time work | Online earn money

Earn money by becoming a youtuber

Online earn money, Earn from youtube

Youtube is the best platform for online earning. If you do a good job here, there will be no need to do any more work to earn money. To earn money from YouTube, you must have such talent whose videos people like to watch. You should upload a video in YouTube that contains entertainment, comedy, knowledge, or story. Video should be uploaded and uploaded on a particular topic on the YouTube channel. Many telented Youtubers earn millions a month from the Youtube channel. If you have a talent in you, you too can become a YouTuber and earn a lot of money by uploading videos on YouTube. From ordinary people to big celebrities, all kinds of people have channels on YouTube. There is a lot of content available for making videos on YouTube, if you know how to make drowning, cooking, handicraft, etc. then you can upload all these videos to teach. If you are experts in technical knowledge, then you can upload tech videos, similarly you can upload videos on many different topics. But if you upload videos of other people, you may get a copyright strike. This may cause your channel to be closed. So make and upload the video yourself. To make money from YouTube, you have to work a little bit and give some time. After creating a YouTube channel, you have to make a video on the same subject and upload it, only then the channel will grow quickly. You have to make a video on a subject that people like and more and more people watch your video. To increase traffic, you should upload regular videos. You will be able to apply for demonetization only when 1000 subscribers are completed on your channel and the total watch time of the video is 40000 hours. Once you apply for monetization, ads will appear on your video, you will earn from those ads.


(1) Create a YouTube channel: Open the Chrome browser and go to After that enable the desktop mode and create the channel.

(2) Design the channel well: Give the channel a good name. After that make logo and make channel art. Write the description of the channel well.

(3) Register on Adsense: To get ads on the channel, register on Adsense.

(4) Upload Video: After making the video well, upload it on the channel.

(5) Download the YouTube studio app: To know about the views of videos, subscriber, and channel analysis, download the YouTube studio app. You will find this app on Google Play Store only.

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