Earn money by reselling | Best part time work

Resellers, reselling

What is reselling? 

Reselling work that sells one's products to customers at a price fixed by oneself is called reselling. This work is done online. There are many reselling apps available on the Google Play Store, you can sell the products found in those apps to the customers by fixing your own price. There is not much difference between reselling and affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, affiliate marketers get commission and in reselling, resellers can decide for themselves how much money they want to earn by selling products.  

Reselling is a very easy and good way to earn money. Here you have to do only one thing and that is to share the link of the product. Many people are involved in this work. You can earn a lot of money from this. If you do good work, then you can earn at least 10 to 15 thousand rupees in a month, but for this you have to be more active in social media. Those who use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. can achieve success in this work. In this work you have to share the company's products in social media platforms. Before sharing that product, the amount of money you require in exchange for a purchase by any customer must emphasize the price of the product. If someone buys that product, along with the price of the product, how many rupees will come to your account, if you sell two products, you will get double the money. In this way, there will be winning sales and you will get more money. Later you can deposit this money in the bank. There are lots of apps to rebalance the business. First of all, you have to create your account in these apps. After that, you can work. Some app names are given below and link. You can connect there.

How to do reselling ? 

Reselling is a task that can be done by anyone, boy, girl, child, elderly. The complete information about how they do this work is given below.  

(1) Install & sign up the app: 
Links of some reselling apps are given below. First of all one must download one of those apps. After that you will have to sign up with a phone number in which the registered bank account is already there. After signing up, you have to give your name, address, bank account number. When you sell products, you will get money in this bank account.

(2) Select products: 
All kinds of products of e-commerce website are found in reselling apps. As a reseller, to make money from these apps, products have to convey its photo and information to customers. For this you should first choose good products.  

(3) Add products price: 
There is already a price in the products found in reselling apps. To earn money by selling that product, more money will have to be added to the price of the product than the price already lived. The more money you add, the more money you will get after the product is sold. Suppose the price of the product is 100 rupees in advance, if you make it Rs 110, then after selling the product you will get 10 rupees.  

(4) Share Product link: 
After adding the price of the product, the link of the product has to be shared on social media like Facebook, Instagram.

Requirements: Some things are required to do the job of reselling. 

(1) Android smartphone: 
First of all you should have an android smartphone on which you can do reselling work by downloading reselling apps.  

(2) Social media accounts: 
In order to bring the products in the eyes of customers, you should have an account on social media like Facebook, Instagram etc. and should also have a lot of followers with it. You will have to share the link of products in those social media accounts only then customers will be able to buy products and your income will be there.





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